A-10 Cuba!, the sequel to A-10 Attack!, is a military air combat simulator featuring the Fairchild-Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II ground attack aircraft, otherwise known as the “Warthog.” Like its predecessor, it is a highly realistic simulator with a 3D polygonal graphics engine. New features include more detailed graphics and 12 missions set in an expansive, intricate model of Cuba. Four additional multiplayer-only environments allow up to eight players to compete on a LAN.
The game provides a detailed 2D cockpit with clickable buttons and switches. A wide variety of weapons are available for air-air and air-ground combat, including Sidewinder, Hellfire, Maverick and HARM missiles and free-fall, laser-guided, and cluster bombs. Rockets and the Warthog’s famous GAU-8 Avenger gatling gun round out the arsenal.
Physics, damage and avionics are simulated in great detail.
Game Info
- Genre: Simulation
- Publisher: Activision, Inc.
- Developer: Parsoft Interactive
- Year: 1996