Final Fantasy VII

The seventh installment of the Final Fantasy series takes place in a post-modern, steampunk, sci-fi world where high technology reigns and where robots and bio-engineered mutants co-exist with humans and dragons. The story focuses on Shinra Inc., … .

Windwalker role playing pc game 1990


The sequel to Moebius, Windwalker combines role-playing with side-view beat ’em up gameplay. You are accompanied by Moebius on a quest to master the martial arts. Hostile persons including thieves, guards and assassins will be encountered; you fight … .

Wasteland role playing pc game 1989


Wasteland takes place in the future after the nuclear holocaust of World War III. The player guides band of Desert Rangers from town to town, gradually uncovering a sinister plot that threatens what’s left of mankind. … .

Valhalla role playing pc game 1993

Valhalla (Ragnarok)

Valhalla (Ragnarok in the US) is a medieval fantasy based roguelike game with Viking/Norse (Scandinavian) mythology as its main theme, reflected by various events and creatures within the game in accord with the mentioned mythology. It is the year … .

Ultima role playing game 1981


Over a thousand years ago, the wizard Mondain, intent on world domination, created an evil gem which made him invincible and immortal. The protagonist, known as the Stranger, has to travel the lands in search … .

Times of Lore role playing dos game 1989

Times of Lore

The Kingdom of Albereth was under attack of barbarian forces. King Valwyn drove the barbarians away, but was wounded in battles. Searching for a place where he could rest and restore his strength, he left … .

Shadoworlds role playing dos game 1993


In this sequel to Shadowlands, you find yourself commanding a team of explorers through a deserted space-station, trying to discover what happened to the crew. Along the way you must solve puzzles, fight baddies and do … .