Deserts cover the globe, cities are destroyed, the end of every civilization is near. The few survivors search for drinking water and food. They eat all they can find.
Like a Role-Playing-Game, you travel through the world and meet many computer-played characters. You want to rule the world. But there are other 3 characters with the same aim.
You spend the most game time looking at the map, which takes up several screens. The position of the 4 characters, their occupied conquests, the cities, and the health condition of your character are shown on the map.
The different settlements you can occupy are old factories, camping-grounds or ruins of old mega-cities. The five great cities are opened for all competitors and can’t be occupied. In these cities you cannot fight against your enemies.
Sometimes you meet a human for changing news, items or take them in your party. There are different classes of computer-characters: fighters, engineers or doctors for example. Every character of your party can carry up to 6 items (food, weapons). These items are produced by the settlements you control.
Game Info
- Genre: RPG
- Publisher: Max Design
- Year: 1993
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Wallpapers / Screenshots