Lords of the Realm II

Lords of the Realm II is a mixture of turn-based county and economic management and real-time combat.

As the game begins, the king has died and 5 nobles (including yourself) are vying for control of the realm, including the noble Baron, the headstrong Knight, the ice princess The Countess, and the backstabbing Bishop. You have to hold on to your counties by building larger castles and keeping the peasantry happy and well-fed.

When you engage your enemy in battle is when the real fun starts. You are given a Warcraft-type view of the battlefield with the units in your army and have to either get them to retreat (a rarity) or kill every last one of the little buggers. In a siege, you can end the battle by capturing the enemy’s flag or dispatching all of your opponents soldiers to the great big Realm in the sky.

Game Info

  • Genre: Strategy / Tactics
  • Publisher: Sierra On-Line, Inc.
  • Developer: Impressions
  • Year: 1996

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